Sunday, February 27, 2011

A rant about Facebook

I caved.
I finally joined the world of Facebook.
With pressure from many, many friends and family (that means you Louisa and Stephanie!) I opened an account.
Before joining I checked out my friends' accounts and heard people talk about Facebook but once I logged on it was shocking.
It seemed as though I already existed on Facebook -- without my knowledge. There were already photographs of me, of JD and of Addie! Once joining I had 15 friend requests immediately. Were these people all online at that moment in time? How did they know where I was? How did they know I joined?
And what really shocked me about Facebook. And I mean really shocked me. In the first 24-hours I received 68 emails from Facebook. 68. Do they really think I have time to read 68 emails?!
Granted, most of them contained mundane information but sometimes it told me a friend of my friend who I've never heard of or met talked about this other person I knew who tagged me in their gallery. Seriously, what? Who has time for this?
I am tempted to just quit it all.
Forget my wall posts and accepting friend requests from people I haven't seen in 15 years or that friend's brother's girlfriend you met while at a wedding in Utah.
But I can't quit, because I now feel the need to represent myself, JD and Addie in the way I want on Facebook. Corny I know, but really. Posting the photos I want and sharing the stories I want.
When it comes down to it -- it really amazes me how interconnected everyone seems to be on Facebook. And that's what I do like about it.
After the controlled chaos calms down of being new to Facebook and I figure out how to organize my photos, I'm sure I will enjoy the convenient ability to stay in touch with so many friends and family -- and connect with old friends.
Bring on the wall posts.

p.s. not to worry...this doesn't mean I'm abandoning this blog...there will be many more photos and stories of Addie to come!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thoughtful cousins

JD's cousins Libby and Laura mail Adeline drawings, pictures and sometimes their elementary school homework from Indiana. We decided to star taping them to the dinning room window to bring some color to this otherwise dreary end of winter. The splashes of color and creativity of their work brighten our day. Thanks Libby and Laura!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A dog, a clown and a bunny

Addie and I felt right at home while staying at my friend Paula's house last weekend. Saturday morning we snuggled on the couch in our jammies, with a bunny, reading Addie's most favorite book in the world right now. {This book, "Global Babies" is full of beautiful photographs of babies. And I kid you not, one morning recently we read the book 10 times before breakfast -- she even made it a point to give each baby a kiss...awww}

Paula's daughter Jessica watched Addie while I was taking some photographs for the paper. In the afternoon I snapped this shot at the kid's fair in the Butte Mall. Addie seems to be mulling over the clown...

Paula shot these cute photos of Addie playing with their bunny, who's name is Honey Bunny Orlando Bloom, or Buns for short. And not once did Addie call the bunny a kitty!

Adeline tweets about her day with a dog, a clown and a bunny.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Addie and her music

Work took Addie and I to Butte this weekend and we stayed at our friend Paula's house ... boy did Addie have a blast exploring her house and her pets while I was at work. One of the funnier parts of the visit was when she figured out how to turn on Paula's record player. In the video she quite enjoys Pure Prairie League's song Jazzman. Later this week I will post some photos from the visit including Addie's playtime with a cuddly cute bunny and fun with her babysitter Jessica.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Visits from Becky

Adeline enjoys some laughs with our good friend Becky and her Aunt Robyn earlier this week. Becky was visiting us from California en route to Alaska for her new job. Yes, she and her aunt are driving from San Diego to Fairbanks, wow. So they used our house as a pit stop along the way.

Becky also visited us twice last year. Once back in April, right, and then again in September (and we took Addie to a baseball game, a water park and on a mini road trip up the Swan Valley to the Flathead) I love it when we get visitors, we always get to do fun Montana things!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Remembering a fall afternoon

I made this photograph of JD and Adeline this past fall in Yellowstone. We got off the main road at Slough Creek and enjoyed a sunny afternoon. I love in the above image how JD's body language emulates the rock.

On a side note...I've been having so much fun with this blog about Adeline and my family that I've decided to start another blog. This one will be all about my photography. Please check it out ~ Lisa Kunkel Photography

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eye checkup & Melting my heart, part 2

Earlier this week I took Adeline to get a vision test. [Helena Vision Center offers no cost eye and vision assessment to babies through the Infant See program] While in the waiting room Adeline became restless sitting in my lap and wanted to explore the office, look at the glasses and just generally interact with everyone. The receptionist then pointed out there was a toy chest and pulled out a small stuffed whale for Addie. When I handed Addie the whale she tilted her head and gave the whale a big kiss right on its nose. A collective "oooohh" could be heard in the room. How cute is she?!
The vision test was entertaining and its nice knowing her eyes are healthy -- I highly recommend this program to anyone with an infant.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A good read

The following link is to a blog post from Heather Armstrong, author of If you haven't seen her web site -- you should check her out -- she is awesome and hilarious.

It is from a couple days ago but I really felt like passing it a parent myself what she said really struck a chord and made me want to keep up with healthy living and be that great role model for Addie.

Hilarious eater

"Arrrgh I like to eat me some bananas!" said the pirate baby to her grandpa.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Aunt Tephie

A very special Happy Birthday goes out to Adeline's Aunt Stephanie today! Wish we could be with you today to give you lots of hugs and help you eat your cake. At left, Addie and Steph share in some giggles during a December visit. At right, they pose for a Fourth of July portrait. It just cracks me up how bald Addie was back in July.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Belly belly belly

Living with a baby is seriously hilarious sometimes. The other day she marched around like this...belly hanging out of her shirt, holding this book above her head. The book is called "Global Babies" and has been Addie's favorite since checking it out at the library last week. Each page has a photograph of a baby from around the world. And on the topic of the obviously too-small shirt...she demanded to wear this shirt. No really, it has a picture of a kitty on the front and I just couldn't resist her urging to wear the kitty shirt. After it's washed I promise to pack it away.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Melting my heart

Today when Addie and I sat down for lunch something truly wonderful happened. As I pulled my chair next to her at the table she started making "lovey" faces at me (turning her ear to her shoulder and smiling) So I replied "Oh I love you too Addie," which she responded by blowing me a kiss!
This was the first time Addie has blown a kiss without someone initiating it. Plus she used it in context while we were speaking and showing each other love. Oh how wonderful.
And...the credit goes to Grandma and Grandpa Hornstein. When we were in Missoula a couple weeks ago they practiced blowing kisses quite a bit.