Friday, February 26, 2010

Road trip

Addie is looking quite comfy in her car seat. This shot was taken last week when we drove to Wyoming to visit Grandma & Grandpa Kunkel and Aunt Stephanie.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big Smile

We're visiting family in Missoula today. I snapped this cell phone picture of Addie smiling at her Great Grandma Irene. Such a happy baby.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Smiling in her sleep

I think she's dreaming of camping and long walks in the stroller in the forest....and maybe cotton candy or unicorns...

Monday, February 8, 2010


For the most part the cats accept Addie but their actions speak for themselves. In the mornings we usually wake up to them having torn up the house. Pacifiers under chairs... forgotten water glasses knocked over... ripped up newspaper... and the occasional pile of puke. But they mind their own and sometimes snuggle with Addie when we're on the couch.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A trip to the forest

JD and I took Addie for a visit to the forest. The air was cool and the sun was bright. She cried and pooped. She liked the car ride though.

Keeping warm

It's still cold here in Montana so we bought Addie a new cover for her car seat. It was handmade here in Helena and it's reversible to solid pink...although I like the owls and birds on this side.

Missoula visit

These photos are from our Missoula visit a couple weeks ago. In top photo cousin Karla holds Adeline while we have cake at Great Grandma's house. In the bottom photo Great Aunt Sandy relaxes the little one.